Sunday, October 12, 2008

We are still here

I know it's been forever since I posted, so I thought I'd try to update everyone on our lives...

Rob and I have been busy working on our house to get everything spic and span for my family - we have 5 (plus 2 babies) house guests coming this week! I am so excited to have them here (Mom, Kevin and family, and Grandpa+ma). Plus, we get the added benefit of not having any clutter in the house (which is a huge feat for me!). Seriously, After tomorrow I won't have any clutter piles littering my home. And most of my closets will be clear and organized. Can life get any better than that??? Wow!

Ginny is really growing up. I can hardly believe it. We are looking forward to celebrate her birthday coming up. I'll keep you posted on the events! Our Primary program is coming up in a few weeks (which I'm the chorister for). I've been so focused on getting myself ready that I totally forgot to help Gin with her part until last night. We spent 5 minutes going over it and I was so proud to hear her recite it in practice today flawlessly and totally memorized. What a girl!

Audrey gets more confident every day! We really had a hard time with her getting frustrated so quickly when something was hard for her. But, talking to her we told her that even if something's hard, we knew she could do it. Her personal motto is now "Audrey can do hard things". She tells me nearly every day that she can do hard things. I am so proud of her and her breakthrough in confidence!

Lily just turned 1! I can't believe it! She is walking and expanding her vocabulary more every day. Every time we open the door, she says "Go, go" over and over again. She "runs" to the door to make sure we don't leave her. I think her personal motto is to not get left out of anything. Whatever we are all doing, she needs to do it too. I love to watch her when Rob gets home from work. She drops whatever she's doing and gets really excited and makes a bee-line to the door. I think it's her favorite time of day (mine too!).

Well, that's it for now. Maybe I'll get up to posting more frequently and add some pictures if I can get into the swing of things.


Chris and Tara said...

That's great that your family is going to visit. I hope you have fun. I also hope that your house can stay relatively clean so you can keep your proud feeling. Ü

Kevin said...

Man, I hate it when relatives come and visit. I'm sorry you've got to put up with them. I hope they don't drive you too crazy.

Brooke said...

All right! A new post. It's so fun hearing all about your girls. I'm excited to see little Lilly. She sounds funny.