Sunday, November 2, 2008

Announcing #4


Amanda said...

Hey, congratulations! That is very exciting. I have 3 pregnant sister right now, one of whom is ude in June, so pretty clsoe to you.

Brooke said...

Way to go number four! Can't wait to find out if this one is a boy or girl. Just wait, we're not far behind you I'm sure!

Rachel and Dan said...

Congrats Shauna! I'm so excited. I just told Dan that I'm looking forward to another girl. Yay!

Chris and Tara said...

That's great! We're so excited for you. Congrats!!!!! Ü
(I'm really excited. Hence, all the exclamation points. Ü)

Michelleo said...

You guys make such adorable spawn! I'm really excited to see how cute the next one is! (these are the things I look forward to with your kids: button nose, gorgeous hair, flexibility, and appetite!)

Sheri said...

Congrats on #4! I'm so glad you found my blog and we can keep in touch better now! Hopefully we can see you soon - we'll be in town for Thanksgiving!!!

Lisa said...

Congrats! That's so awesome!

Heidi said...

Congratulations! It is always so exciting to welcome a new addition to the family!

Nate and Alyssa said...

Way to go Shaunanana....

Linde said...

That is great! When are you due!

Amy Pennington said...

Ok this discovery of your blog is such a blessing and surprise. You can thank Amanda and Ryan for us finding you. Not that we wouldn't have run into you at wallyworld:)

I am so happy for you about your #4! Congrats..congrats...congrats!

Tell Rob I said hi and come check out my blog sometime. I am so glad I found you..have I said that already:) have a merry christmas you two!

Carrie said...

I am so excited that I just found your blog! Congrats on the baby by the way, It'll be fun to be pregnant together!